QR Help

If you are having issues scanning your QR Code, we have detailed possible solutions for you below!

QR Code is missing from your bag of feed or supplement packaging

If you’re having trouble locating the QR Code label on your feed bag or supplement packaging, please follow these steps:

  • Take a clear photo of the feed bag or supplement packaging
  • Take a photo of your purchase receipt
  • Send an email to enquiries@mychampionsclub.com.au with the photos attached
  • Once we receive your email, we’ll manually add the points to your online Hygain or Mitavite account and notify you by email.

QR code will not scan

Sometimes, there may be an issue with the integrity of the QR print which may have been impacted by transit or storage, or the light you are trying to scan in. If you do experience this issue, please visit https://app.mychampionsclub.com/entercode you will be prompted to enter the 14 digit code that sits under the QR code. You will then be prompted to enter your email address for us to send your points to your appropriate Online Account. You will be able to log into your appropriate Hygain Online Account (hygain.com.au) and Mitavite Online Account (mitavite.com) to review and redeem your points.

QR scanned however was advised there was an issue

If you have been advised that there is an issue with the QR code you scanned, you will be prompted to confirm your details and browse and attach your Product Batch code number and your purchase receipt so we can investigate and come back to you to confirm your points in your account.

You are prompted to create an online account

Your My Champions Club Points will be automatically sent to either your Hygain or Mitavite Online Account, based on the brand of the product scanned. The system checks if you already have an Online Account. If your email address is not recognized, you will be prompted to set up the appropriate Online Account with your nominated email, details and a password. We will then automatically create a new Hygain or Mitavite Online Account (based on the product scanned), for your nominated email address and will send your points to this account. You will be able to log into your Hygain Online Account (hygain.com.au) and Mitavite Online Account (mitavite.com) with the password you have established to review and redeem your points.

Still need help?

If you have not been able to resolve your issue, please Contact Us.